The history of the mosque
The Maghoki Attori mosque is one of the most attractive monuments in Bukhara. It is situated not far from the Shohrud canal, near the Sarrafon trade dome. Until the 8th century, before the Arab conquest, this place had been a bazaar, where people did business with idols, drugs, and spices. And that is where the Moh ('the Lunar temple') fire - worshipers' temple was located.
The first mosque at this place was built in the 9th century. In the 12th century, a new building of the mosque was erected. The building was brought to ruin in the 15th century. The restoration of the mosque dates back to 1546-1547.
The History of the Museum.
The carpet museum was set up in 1991. One can see there wonderful samples of the Bukharan, Turkmen, Persian, and Armenian carpets and rugs, khurjin- saddle bags, and yurt decorations of the 18th-20th centuries. Wool and silk items are decorated with geometric, floral, cosmogony, and zoomorphic motifs.
Contact Information: Labi-Haus, Bukhara Tel: 224-15-91